Sunday, May 1, 2011

The First Day Of May Has Brought A Big Chill To North Texas Which Had Me Shivering At Fosdic Lake

The weather forecasters got it right for today. It is in the almost 4 in the afternoon time frame and currently only 48 degrees.

When I went swimming this morning the water was way warmer than the air. It is not a heated pool.

Hours later, when I returned to the outside to drive to Oakland Lake Park, to walk around Fosdic Lake, when I opened the exit door from my abode I could tell I needed to be wearing more than a short sleeved t-shirt. So, I returned to my closet and added a long sleeved t-shirt.

I was not long walking around Fosdic Lake when it was clear to me I had no business being in shorts.

Yesterday we got into the high 80s here. I got real HOT, yesterday, hiking the Tandy Hills. Today it reminded me of what it is like to fly to Seattle, from here, in July. To go from 100 degrees to 50, such as was the case when I flew to Seattle on July 20 of 2008. After I landed at Sea-Tac and stepped outside for the first time, the shivering started. It lasted a month.

That is what it was like today. I did not take a very long walk. And the shivering did not last a month.

In the picture, at the top, of Fosdic Lake, you might think the lake had flooded around one of the Keep Fort Worth Beautiful litter barrels that aren't beautiful.

But, Fosdic Lake was not flooding today. Some vandal had decided one of the Keep Fort Worth Beautiful litter barrels needed to be disposed of in the lake. Or maybe a thoughtful citizen thought he or she was helping clean up the park by sending one of the litter barrels on its way to the Trinity River.

This morning Betty Jo Bouvier sent me a link to a real interesting BBC YouTube video that went well with feeling cold and also made me feel claustrophobic.

I'm feeling sad about Betty Jo Bouvier and Honey Lulu, because they are feeling sad.

Honey Lulu's mom died on Friday. Betty Jo lost both her mom and dad in the past 2 years.

Betty Jo and Honey have been extremely good friends for decades. Me, I sort of lost contact, and then re-contacted. Betty Jo and Honey Lulu have long been among my most favorite people I've ever known. I always liked both of them. A lot. My attachment to that pair goes all the way back to high school, when, apparently, among other things, Betty Jo, Honey and myself used to go swimming with very little clothing on out at Bay View in Padilla Bay in the stunningly beautiful Skagit Valley.

Neither I or Honey remembers this clearly, so I choose to remember it as skinny dipping episodes. Betty Jo objects to what she claims are my falsely recovered memories.

I am looking forward to my next trip to Washington. I've got so many people to see who I've not seen in awhile. And some I don't care to see who I have seen in awhile.

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