Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24 Anticipating Texas Tornado Thunderstorms Washington Hooters & Kirstie Alley Winning Dancing With The Stars

I'm up early on this 24th day of May, with only one week to go in the month, looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the glowing cauldron of doom I call a hot tub.

According to the National Weather Service the conditions will be that today's storming could produce tornadoes.

The NWS says, "There's a 60 percent chance of thunderstorms this afternoon. Some of today's storms could be severe as a strong upper-level disturbance comes into the area. The greatest threat will be hail, but the system could also spawn strong winds and tornadoes."

Something in the air is making my eyes slightly burn and water. I would have thought that yesterday's heavy duty storming, with almost 2 inches of rain, would have cleaned up the polluted local air, temporarily.

I was up unusually late last night, I think I was overstimulated by watching Kirstie Alley doing gymnastic routines, straining partner Maks's musculature to the limit, during her freestyle routine on last night's Dancing with the Stars finale.

My first couple hours of trying to sleep last night were interrupted by an amazing series of surreal nightmares. All I remember was waking up startled, over and over again.

Total change of subject from my nightmares to Hooters.

Before I moved to Texas I did not know that Hooters was an actual place with beer, hot wings and girls in hot pants. I thought Hooters was just a joke place that Al Bundy liked on Married With Children.

Well, imagine my surprise, this morning, when reading the Seattle P-I to learn that Washington spawned Hooters at some point in time after I moved to Texas. Apparently the Hooters have not done well in Washington. They have been closing without warning. Washington is now down to only 2 Hooters remaining. To get a Hooters hot wing, and view hot pants, you now have to go to Tacoma or Spokane.

I have yet to have been in a Hooters. I recollect the strip joint connoisseur, who calls himself Gar the Texan, wanting me to go to Hooters with him. I declined. The association in my mind with Al Bundy was just too strong. I'd not thought of it before, but Gar the Texan is very much like Al Bundy. Except for not being a shoe salesman or having a receding hairline.

Time to go swimming now before the incoming electric apocalypse.


  1. It's a date then. We'll go to Hooters. It's odd the area of the Metromess you live in that you've never been to a Hooters. One of the best ones is in Arlington.
    Have you been to one of those "strip joints"? I think DFW has more strippers per capita than any other area of the belt buckle (and maybe of the world).
    I have a receding hairline and I managed a shoe store called The Wild Pair to pay my way through college! That's eerie.

  2. Actua...I'm having trouble understanding what that word means...I Wikied it coming up with some sort of Canadian Charitable Organization of some sort. Did Washington change the vision of Hooters? Is that why you're considering it a charitable organization? I'm thinking that since you and Gar will be visiting a Hooters near you, then maybe the attention the two of you will be receiving will be given out of charity?

  3. Gar-------
    I don't know of any Hooters in the area of the D/FW mess that I live in.

  4. CT2----
    Your being particularly mean this morning. First off, making fun of my rather sad typo impediment, which I confided in you that it has grown chronic and profoundly disturbing, getting worse daily. And then to suggest any attention given to myself and Gar would be given out of charity, is just heartlessly cruel. It may be true. But, still heartlessly cruel to mention it.

  5. I am a charitable attention receptacle.

    No matter where you live in the D/FW area, there is a Hooters nearby. And now there is Big Racks (for BBQ), Tilted Kilt (for English food), and Twin Peaks (which may be more to your liking).

    You really need to learn to disguise yourself from the charitable screaming fans so you can get out more.

  6. The Twin Peaks near my location closed. I think. You left out Bone Daddy's. It is like a more sophisticated Hooters.

  7. Oh yeah, Bone Daddy's is the more popular BBQ joint. I haven't been there in a while. Perhaps I should create a blog about scantily clad young ladies serving up the best food in the Metroplex.
    I want to open up a German one where all the waitresses wear short dirndls.

  8. German women in dirndls have been nothing but a world of misery for you. Why would you want to fill up your own place with a bunch of German waitresses in dirndls? It's like you are some sorta glutton for punishment. Or something.

  9. I have it on good authority that the ladies working Bone Daddy's outclass the women working at Hooters. Not only that, but the food is delicious. I think you and Gar should definitely make plans to rendevous at Bone Daddy's. Possibly, Mr. Durango, some of your failing parts may end up working once again. :-)

  10. CT2---
    Thank you for your words of encouragement regarding my failing parts.
