Monday, May 23, 2011

A Damaging Thunderstorm Is In The Forecast For North Texas Tuesday Night

According to the current forecast we will be having some more stormy weather this week in North Texas.

The forecast for tomorrow night is one I do not remember seeing before.

"A Damaging Thunderstorm."

Thunderstorms due damage with lightning strikes, hail, flooding, high winds.

And tornadoes.

This afternoon I watched, well, mostly listened to a YouTube video of about 5 minutes of utter terror in the dark inside a store in Joplin, Missouri, during yesterday's deadly tornado.

The guy who took the video had this to say...

"The video I took while at Fastrip on east 20th Street. We huddled in the back of the store until the glass got sucked out, then ran into the walk in storage fridge. Sorry for the lack of visuals but the audio is pretty telling of how intense the storm was. The tornado hits at around 1:20 seconds."

I don't believe I have ever heard anything like this before. I've seen video of a tornado before. But not of people in some enclosed space, when a tornado struck.

It is remarkable how calm these people were. It sounds as if there was a large number of them. You hear some crying. You hear some praying. You hear some guys keeping everyone calm. And at one point you hear a guy saying "I love you," over and over again. It was not as if he was saying "I love you" to one person, it was more "I love all of you."

This short video is sort of haunting, in a Blair With Project sort of way. It's got me a bit spooked about tomorrow's incoming damaging thunderstorm.

I don't know where my closest storage fridge safe place might be. Albertson's across the street?

Watch the video below and you'll be wondering where your closest storage fridge safe place is too....

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