Friday, May 27, 2011

Hiking The Hot Windy Tandy Hills Thinking An Adult Intervention Is Needed In Fort Worth

The weather predictor has backed off a degree from tomorrow's 100 degree temperature. What a relief.

As you can see, via the view from the top of Mount Tandy, looking west to where the west begins, at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth, you can not see anything but a bright blue cloud-free sky.

Hiking the Tandy Hills was a good thing today. Borderline HOT with a very strong wind blowing.

GG's husband, currently calling himself Mike, pointed me today to some upcoming Fort Worth events that are causing me to again think a federal intervention is needed in this goofy part of America where I find myself living.

A couple days ago it was the Rockin' the River Inner Tube Happy Hour Parties that had me thinking it is time for adults to intervene here.

Then yesterday it was an advertisement for the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Cowtown Wakepark that had me wondering am I the only one who thinks this is goofy?

I may get around to blogging about the goofy stuff GG's husband sent me. But, right now I'm worn out and tired.

I've not been able to swim for 3 mornings in a row. But, the problem with the pool has been fixed and it is currently in re-fill mode. An amount of water sufficient for swimming should be in the pool by morning. That will please me.

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