Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Dawn Of Another Day In May Worrying About Debt Ceilings & The End Of The World In 4 Days

You would not know it by looking through the bars of my patio prison cell, early this morning, that the 17th day of May has dawned with a clear blue sky, heated to 3 degrees shy of 70.

I had myself another restless night of tossing and turning. And for the first time in my nightmare world I entered a TV show.

Last night I found myself on The Real Housewives of New York City. Where Ramona and I were told we had to change our hair color from blonde to brown in order to stop that battle between the blondes and the brunettes.

I refused to go along with the dye job and left the show.

This morning I was surprised to read in the Seattle P-I that the University District Link of the light rail system had its groundbreaking yesterday. This project is already employing over 2,000 workers. And it costs around $2 billion. The Seattle waterfront viaduct replacement tunnel is also underway, with a cost of around $4 billion. And I believe the project to replace the 520 floating bridge across Lake Washington is also underway, or scheduled to be. If I remember right that project is also in the multi-billion dollar range.

Which has me wondering where all this money is coming from? Just yesterday I learned due to Washington's budget woes the state is going to start charging a fee to enter state parks and other state park land. To raise a measly $64 million every two years.

When I read that the Seattle light rail link to the University District is already employing over 2,000 I wondered how many workers the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle is employing currently. I don't believe I have ever read a number.

I tire of reading about all the various budget woes. And that the federal government has reached its debt limit, with the eminent collapse of the American economy, followed by the world economy, with the end of the world scheduled for May 21. I read that on a billboard on my way back from the Tandy Hills yesterday.

It is time to go swimming and think about what I'm going to do on May 21.

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