Monday, May 16, 2011

Betsy Price & Kay Granger In Louis Tussaud's Palace Of Wax In Grand Prairie

Someone Anonymous sent me the picture of the two wax figures you see in the photo.

Anonymous claimed this is a new installation at Louis Tussaud’s Palace of Wax in the Ripley's Believe It or Not complex in Grand Prairie.

The wax figure on the left, holding what appears to be an adult beverage, is Fort Worth's soon to be new mayor, Betsy Price.

The wax figure standing next to Betsy is the Queen of the Fort Worth Ruling Oligarchy, Kay Granger.

Kay Granger is Fort Worth's Congresswoman.

It was Kay Granger who asked Betsy Price to be Fort Worth's next mayor. Betsy Price supports one of Kay Granger's pet pork barrell projects, the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle. It is important to Kay Granger to continue to have a mayor of Fort Worth who supports her pet pork barrell projects.

The TRVB project is particularly important to Kay Granger because she had her ne'er do well son, J.D., installed as the manager of the project, even though J.D. had no experience overseeing a giant public works project that involved building the world's premiere wakeboarding lake, taking down perfectly good levees, buidling bridges, laying streetcar lines, abusing eminent domain, digging an un-needed flood diversion channel and building a little pond, affectionately known locally as the Kay Granger Puddle.

Does the Louis Tussaud Palace of Wax have a wax figure of Fort Worth's current mayor, Mike Moncrief? Are all these wax figures in a room called "Scary Looking Local Politicians?"

I've not been to Louis Tussaud's Palace of Wax or the Grand Prairie Ripley's Believe it or Not. I don't know if seeing Betsy Price and Kay Granger, rendered in wax form, is enough of a draw to cause me to make my first visit.


  1. Another mean spirited cheap shot by DJ, Durango Jones.

  2. I wondered what happened to the jerk that goes by the moniker "Durango." You're still here. Wow. And still putting everyone else down. Amazing.

  3. The Star-Telegram has repeatedly said that Betsy Price is 56. And her Facebook page says she graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1972 with a degree in Biology. Something's not right here. She really graduated college at 16?

  4. Who is anonymous and why do they lack good adjectives and observations.

    Durango has been posting 326 blogs per day for the last 50 years. Why were your wondering what happened to him?

    Mean spirited? Really? Mean spirited would be saying Miss Granger should have both hands removed like the thieves of old and Oedipus, I mean JD, should be tied behind a speeding truck and driven out of town. That's mean spirited.

    Work on your adjectives and observations.

  5. I read Durango's blog every day. Anonymous says he made another meanspirited cheap shot. I didn't think this was meanspirited or a cheap shot. I thought it was funny.

    Durango is still putting everyone down? Everyone?

    I've seen Durango helping people lately and lifting them up, not putting them down, like the people in Paradise Center.

  6. It's obvious that some "anonymous" critics think that all is well in Fort Worth Way. There are no fiscal problems, there are no infrastructure deficits, no pension fund questions, no nothing but sweetness and light. Their heads are not buried in the sand nor sunk in the Trinity, they're...(oh, never mind)

  7. Thank you for coming to my defense Gar, Suzy Q and Landslide.

    Anonymous seems to be a really mean spirited cheap shooter. I am appalled that Anonymous thinks I put everyone down. I have always been very very selective about who I put down. Is "put down" a veterinarian term?

    Anyway, Anonymous seems really easily amazed.

    He or she should visit the Louis Tussaud Wax Museum and be amazed by the rendering of Betsy Price and Kay Granger.

    And Gail Galtex, my sources tell me Betsy is 82 and only looks like such a young chick due to extensive work done over the years to her beautifully handsome face, rendered so well, in wax, by Louis Tussaud.

  8. I wasn't really coming to your defense as much as I was berating the stupidity of the anonymous commenter's. But you are welcome.
