Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Watching The Sunny Breezy Sky While Waiting For Ernie At The Relapse Lounge & Bar In Either Richland Hills Or North Richland Hills

For several days in a row the forecast for the zone of North Texas that I inhabit has been for severe t-storms.

With no t-storms arriving. Thus rendering the forecast a bad forecast.

And now today, with the forecast being sunny and breezy, it looks the stormiest it has looked in days.

In the picture we are in either Richland Hills or North Richland Hills, looking east from the parking lot of the Relapse Bar & Lounge.

The Relapse Bar & Lounge is next to Ernie's Seafood. I was waiting for someone to show up at the appointed time at Ernie's Seafood.

I don't like waiting. My Adult Attention Deficit Disorder quickly kicks in if I am left impatiently waiting. Fortunately, the wait was not long.

Who goes to the Relapse Bar & Lounge? Rejected AA members?

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