Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Storm-Free In My Zone Of North Texas While Covered With Hives Also Known As Urticaria

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the world it appears the last Wednesday of April has dawned with a clear blue sky.

Once again my zone of North Texas dodged storms. Yesterday's predicted t-storms did their storming in East Texas, damaging or destroying over 100 homes.

I am still experiencing off and on bouts of rashes appearing and disappearing. I believe what this actually is is a case of hives. The medical term for hives is Urticaria.

Hives can be triggered by many different things, sometimes it's an allergic reaction. Sometimes it is stress. I am not particularly stressed at the present moment. The only random, different thing I've done of late, to which I may have had an allergic reaction, was on Saturday I consumed an intoxicating liquid concoction at the Prairie Fest.

Today in the noon time frame I likely will be heading north to Hurst. This may have me hiking the Tandy Hills later this afternoon.

In the meantime I am going swimming before it gets any colder. It is only 60 right now, heading to a low tonight of 48. Brrrrrr.

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