Monday, April 11, 2011

Watching Litter Get Sent Over Fort Worth's Fosdic Falls On Its Way To The Trinity River

As soon as I stepped from my motorized transport upon arrival at Oakland Lake Park, today around noon, I could hear the roar of Fosdic Falls falling out of Fosdic Lake.

That would be the shadow of the Fosdic Falls thin man in the lower left of the picture, taking a picture of Fosdic Falls from the Fosdic Bridge connection to Fosdic Lake Dam.

There is a metal net-like device spanning Fosdic Creek at the point where Fosdic Lake spills over the dam, creating Fosdic Falls.

An amazing amount of litter backs up behind the metal net-like device, impeding the flow of water, sort of like a litter dam.

Today a man was risking being swept over Fosdic Falls in order to use a stick to try and remove some of the litter that was impeding the water flow.

I did not really approve of this man's litter removal method. When his stick snagged a piece of litter he tossed it on the other side of the metal net-like device, sending the litter over Fosdic Falls, sending it on its way to the preferred litter removal agent in these parts. The Trinity River.

The Trinity River is about a mile north of Fosdic Lake.

Above you see some of the Fosdic Lake Litter,  slowly bobbing its way to Fosdic Falls. This particular floating litter was floating at the west side of the lake, at the base of a cement stairway to nowhere that I run up and down when I am at Oakland Lake Park.

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