Monday, April 11, 2011

America Has Become A Place Where You Can't Stand On Your Property Or Keep A Basketball Hoop

Just got an incoming email from Elsie Hotpepper. All Elsie wrote was "This makes me so mad."

With a link to a YouTube video.

I watched the video. And it made me mad, too.

Sometimes I think something has gone dire wrong in the Fort Worth/Tarrant County zone I live in, what with all the corruption, eminent domain abuse and what with the people acting like sheep.

For the most part.

And then there's the Paradise Center Scandal. Maybe it is a bit complicated to understand what is so scandalous about all the factors involved, but when you do come to understand the scandal, well, it makes you mad.

Mad that the Paradise Center Scandal happened, mad that the powers that be have done nothing about the Paradise Center Scandal and mad that the lame local media have not reported on the Paradise Center Scandal.

I have never understood why more people were not outraged by the abuse of eminent domain that was used to displace 1000s of people so that Jerry Jones could have a new football stadium.

And then there is this YouTube video that Elsie Hotpepper sent me. This video makes me think that what has gone dire wrong in America is not limited to Fort Worth and Tarrant County. I assume the incident depicted in the video took place in Delaware due to the video coming from something called Delaware Online.

Delaware is one of the progressive states, isn't it? How does stuff like this happen? How is this not a crime perpetrated by those who are supposed fight crime? Not commit crimes?

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