Monday, April 4, 2011

Walking Around Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake Experiencing Misery Symptoms

That is Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park you are looking at in the picture. Fosdic Lake is about a half mile east of the top of Mount Tandy.

I figured the thunderstorm that rolled in after midnight may have muddied up the parched Tandy Hills. So, walking around Fosdic Lake was my default choice today for some salubrious aerobicizing.

It is slightly hilly in the park that surrounds Fosdic Lake. And there are some long paved stairs that provide some verticality.

It is only 63 degrees right now at around half past 3. This morning when I went swimming it was 54 and very windy. The water in the pool was quite a bit warmer than the air. It was very pleasant.

I've got my windows open, with a nice breeze blowing. You'd think I'd be feeling real good.

However, I am having what seem to be incoming cold symptoms. It has been so long since I've been sick I don't quite remember for sure what it feels like. Something is irritating my eyes, I seem to be sniffling and stifling the impulse to sneeze. And there is a burning sensation in my throat.

Maybe it's just the heavily polluted air that I breathe, having a worse effect than usual.

If I get sick I'm going to be very, very cranky.

1 comment:

  1. How close is Fosdic Lake to a drilling site? I'm just saying...
