Monday, April 4, 2011

Swimming In The Wind On The 4th Day Of April In Stormy Texas

Well. The 4th day of April has been a noisy one, so far. You can't hear the noise looking at the picture of one of my outdoor viewing platforms on the world.

Some point in time before 5 this morning I was startled out of a peaceful slumber by the concussive boom of thunder.

Thunder kept concussively booming for well over an hour, non-stop, flashes of lightning and rumbling thunder.

With heavy rain.

The heavy rain prompted the National Weather Service to issue what I believe to be its first flood advisory for Tarrant County this year.

Along with the rain and thunder it was very windy, with gusts up to 60 mph. It is still be windy out there.

I suspect there will be no Tandy Hill hiking for me today, due to wetness.

Speaking of Tandy Hill hiking, someone Anonymous made an amusing comment regarding me saying I was going to be leaving Texas. For some reason someone Anonymous repeated the comment 3 times.

Someone Anonymous said....

Say it ain't so, Durango. Your wit, your unapologetic criticism of the Fort Worth Way, fill a gaping void. Besides, where else could you go that would give you so much blogging material? Chicago, maybe, is more corrupt. But only because it's older. Somebody, find another hill for this man to climb!

Since I don't currently have a hill to climb, I think I will go swimming in the wind.


  1. So, this is the year that the move is real and not an April Fool's tool to fool us fools? I'm devastated, really...

  2. CT2---
    I don't recollect saying this was going to happen this year.

  3. You're absolutely correct. I went back and re read your statement...This is the year you're serious about moving, but you don't know when it will be. Ahhh...the apparent cut backs in education have already effected my reading comprehension ability. The impending doom of less and less resources of education is quite troubling...

  4. With a few more spring gullywashers like this morning's, the JD Granger Testimonial Magic Forest may be IN Arlington even before the ditch is dug.
