Thursday, April 14, 2011

Up Late The Second Thursday Of April In Texas Expecting An Incoming Thunderstorm

You might guess, looking out one of my viewing portals on the world, that I woke up after the arrival of the sun on this second Thursday of April.

It was a perfect temperature condition last night for peaceful slumber. Not too hot, not too cold.

Right now it is 67 degrees out there in the pool zone. Heading to a predicted high of 83 with a supposedly strong afternoon Thunderstorm in the forecast.

Methinks I'll go over to Miss Puerto Rico's for her elevated, panoramic view, this afternoon, if a Thunderstorm does arrive as predicted.

I don't know if any hill hiking is in my future for the day, what with this incoming inclement weather. I do know I am going swimming this morning, as in right now.

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