Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hiking My Way To A Better Mood On The Tandy Hills While Buzz Cutting Myself

It is half past 5. I have returned from the Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium in a better mood than when I left here.

Today's picture of a Tandy Hills trail is a good metaphor for my steep climb today, looking for a sunnier disposition.

Elsie Hotpepper proposed a form of saloon hopping tonight to put me in a better frame of mind. I can't do that. I have to check on a Puerto Rican cat tonight. That could take hours.

Miss Puerto Rico called during her layover in San Juan, waiting to get on a little plane to take her to Ponce. I was not in the mood to listen to how miserable the flights had been. So, I let it go to voice mail. I think she had a two hour wait in Houston to get on the plane to San Juan.

When I'm in a foul mood sometimes giving myself a buzz cut improves my outlook. So I buzz cut myself. I've not detected, yet, any additional mood improvement, beyond the Tandy hiking uplift. Sometimes the salubrious effect of a good buzz cut takes awhile to manifest itself.

The Paradise Center news continues to be good. You really can't keep good people down. And in the end, usually, bad people get what they deserve. This seems to be happening.

Is anyone else noticing anything in the Texas air that is being a bit of an eye irritant? I'm really getting tired of it.

I must go talk about Karina Smirnoff and Kendra Wilkinson on my TV blog now.

1 comment:

  1. There's a nice saying attributed to medieval wandering scholars -- philosophic tramps, if you will -- solvitur ambulando, or "it is solved by walking." Walking does seem to solve most problems, at least for me.
