Friday, April 1, 2011

Up Early On April Fool's Day Thinking About Car Wrecks And Last Night's Party At Billy Bob's Texas

As you can see via the view through the bars of my patio prison cell I am up early on the first day the new month.

Today is the day that in the past I've announced I am moving out of Texas. And then at some point in the day someone realizes this is my idea of an April Fool's joke.

Well, this year it is no joke. I am moving out of Texas. I just don't know exactly when.

Did everyone have as much fun as I did last night in the Fort Worth Stockyards at the 30 year anniversary party for the world's biggest honky tonk, Billy Bob's Texas?

I learned today that deaths from driving accidents fell to the lowest level since 1949, according to the Department of Transportation, in 2010, with 32,788 highway deaths.

The biggest decline was in the Pacific Northwest zone of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. Arizona, Hawaii and California also had a big decline.

I assume the decline is due to cars being safer, people wearing seatbelts, fewer drunk drivers and better roads. And people driving less.

I read nothing about what the Texas road death's statistics are. I would hazard to guess it's not so good.

Well, the sun is now up, it's 50 degrees, so I am going swimming now.

1 comment:

  1. Are you really going? Have you hiked the Tandy Hills enough that you need some new terrain? will the next blog be durangocolorado?
