Friday, April 1, 2011

Stepping On The Shadow Of The Tandy Hills Thin Man While Thinking About NATO High Command And MHMR Bullycrat Thuggery

That's my left foot stepping on the Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man, today, a couple minutes past noon.

I don't think the Tandy Hills has gotten the memo that the Prairie Fest will be happening on the hills in 3 weeks, on Saturday, April 23. The Tandy Hills needs to start sprouting out a lot of wildflowers if it is going to be at its usual highly colorful standard of the previous Prairie Fests.

It was in the low 80s when I did my hill hiking. It is 86 right now at 6 minutes after 2 in the afternoon.

The power went out while I was out. I don't like resetting all the flashing digital time keeping devices.

I had myself a frustrating morning, computer-wise.

Frustrations due to trying to make a video. Usually making a video is fairly easy. But not this time. At one point my computer got totally hung up. I don't remember the last time that happened.

But, by the time I took off for the Tandy Hills I had the video clip in Windows Movie Maker, ready to turn into a video. I'm hoping to have no more problems.

I have not heard a peep from the Paradise Center people. So, I do not know what the current status is. Some of the blog comments from the MHMR bullycrat thugs to this blog and The Paradise Center Scandal blog have been downright scandalous with their nastiness. And illiterate grammar.

Yesterday's blogging titled "On Top Of Mount Tandy Thinking About MHMR Thugs, The Main Street Arts Festival And The American Way As Opposed To The Fort Worth Way," generated a couple interesting comments, one from NATO High Command, the other from FW Way $un-American....

BREAKING NEWS....NATO and the U.N. issue ultimatum for The Axis of Exploitation Moncrief, McDermott, and Granger to surrender themselves to the FBI or Homeland Security before they send in commandos from allied democratic nations to free the people of Fort Worth and Tarrant County, Texas. These perpetrators of crimes against decency and democracy must turn themselves an# their cronies in by High Noon today the First day of April 2011. Citizens are also deputized to apprehended these people wherever they're found today April the First of 2011.


This so called Fort Worth Way has a dark background because it refers to the "understanding" between those in power and the disadvantaged citizenry, particularly the long disenfranchised black communities in Como, Stop Six, Terrell Heights, etc. The clever white ruling group made this "behind the scene" method of dealing with discrimination and grievances so as not to have "messy" and loud Democratic processes like public protests, debates, discussions, and voting. So to keep the poor whites and colored folks "in their" and not draw attention, the FW Way allows a patron to patronage relationship to exist whereby certain acceptible leaders of these powerless groups could quietly go to the powers that be and humbly ask for certain concessions or "rights" in exchange for making sure "your people behave". It's a patronizing and condescending approach that naturally allows for abuses, corruption, and the violation of what most clear headed Americans, and non-Americans, usually consider the American Way..which is often messy, loud, and even contentious. But that is how free people behave (Dallas for instance) and how freedom-seeking people act ---see Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, AND PARADISE CENTER IN FW. THE FW WAY IS DEEPLY INGRAINED IN THE CULTURE AND WOULD EXPLAIN THE RAMRODDING OF GAS OPERATIONS IN EVERY ZONE OF THE CITY, THE FLEECING AND EMINENT DOMAIN ABUSING BT THE TRV SYNDICATE, AND THE UNMITIGATED ABUSE OF THAT INDEPENDENT NONPROFIT CALLED PARADISE CENTER.

By FW Way $un-American

I'm thinking it's time to go back to making a video now.

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