Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Up Early After A Bad Bout Of Insomnia With Morning Aggravation With The Dallas Morning News

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the second Wednesday of March it appears we have dawned with yet one more blue sky morning in North Texas.

It is 45 degrees out there this morning.

I had myself a bad insomnia outbreak last night. Endless bouts of short bursts of falling asleep and then waking up again, with constant tossing and turning.

I likely burned a lot of calories during last night's attempt to sleep. The problem was exacerbated, I think, due to it being a bit warm and muggy. Opening the window brought in a cold breeze, causing bouts of blankets off blankets on, til common sense kicked in clear enough to cause me to shut the window.

Just typing this blogging I can see this is going to be a rough day. Almost every other word I am either misspelling or typing some odd typo. I don't recollect ever giving the backspace key the level of workout it is getting right now.

I think I am going to have to bail on the Dallas Morning News online. You have to be an online subscriber to read the content. When I open the paper it says "Hi Durango" indicating I am logged in.

However, this morning when I clicked to read a story about the Dallas kayaking whitewater section of the Trinity River that is part of the Dallas Trinity River Vision, which sees a bit more clearer vision than the cross-eyed Fort Worth Trinity River Vision, I was told I needed to subscribe to read the content.

When I clicked on the register and subscribe button I was brought to a subscribe to the hard copy offer. Which I rejected when I clicked "No Thanks" and took off to read the Seattle P-I online.

For free. Except for annoying ads.

I guess I will try and go swimming now and hope that that perks up my tiredness and sloppy synapses.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very frustrated with the DMN online. Same thing, "Hi, CatsPaw" but I can't see much of anything. The articles I can see ... half the time the comments don't work with my browser. Change browsers, same story. Oh well.

    I can understand the need to raise revenue, but there are too many other choices online. We can't be the only ones irritated ... I wonder if DMN will rethink this eventually.
