Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Shirtless Shadow Of The Tandy Hills Thin Man With Some Possible Good Paradise Center News

Yesterday I was under dressed and cold when I did me some hill hiking in the Tandy Hills Natural Area.

Today, at noon, the temperature was in the mid 70s and, as you can clearly see, today it was the Shirtless Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man that went hiking.

It is now around 3 in the afternoon and 83. I think I'll open a window.

Thunderstorms were predicted to be arriving at this point in time. Currently I don't see that happening.

I stayed as long in the pool, this morning, as I did yesterday. But today this did not lead to a bad case of out of control shivering.

I've been told that the owners of the Rainbow Lounge have offered space to the good people at the Paradise Center, so they can re-open in a new location, after Tarrant County, in the form of something called MHMR, kicked them out of their home a couple weeks ago.

The Rainbow Lounge has also been the victim of Fort Worth government hooliganism in the form of a brutal Gestapo-like raid that left many injured and one or two hospitalized.

I don't know if anyone responsible for that bizarre raid on the Rainbow Lounge was ever brought to justice and punished. I also don't know if anyone responsible for that bizarre raid on the Paradise Center will ever be brought to justice and punished.

In America justice would be the eventual outcome. But, unfortunately, America is not where the Rainbow Lounge and Paradise Center are located.


  1. Bravo to the kind people from the Rainbow Lounge. And cheers to the determination of the people from Paradise Center. How ironic that these two traditional outcasts of our Bible Belt communities in conservative and patriotic Red State are the only ones showing the true spirit of Jesus' teachings and the true American spirit of brotherhood and compassion.

    As a follower of Christ and a patriotic Amerocan and military veteran, my heart weeps, both out of joy/pride and shame.

    What can people like me do to help right this wrong? To me, it's a sin and a crime against my country and humanity to have such knowledge but do nothing. LET'S DO SOMETHING AS A COMMUNITY SOON.

  2. Yeah, Rainbow Lounge owners.
    I heard they bought out Gallery Eatery nearby on the corner of Jennings and Pennsylvania and just reopened as Randy Beez's Deli.

    I and other clinic staff will start eating there just to show our appreciation for their generosity and decency. Col. McDermott's secret police can report me and my coworkers to the despot and see if I care.

    I wish he'd try to pull the same $%&* with me as he did with Teresa cause I'll hire her law firm to represent me as well.

    Eat at the deli or contact them to say thanks, y'all. They deserve it.
