Monday, March 7, 2011

Shivering On The Tandy Hills While The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Talks To Don Young About Barnett Shale Gas Drillers & The Tandy Hills

In the picture we are standing on top of Mount Tandy in the Tandy Hills Natural Area looking west at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.

It was in the 50s and windy. I was under dressed. I should have been in long pants with a long sleeved shirt. But I was not.

This was my second bout of being cold today. This morning it was 47 when I went in the pool. The water was quite a bit warmer than the air. So, I ended up staying a long time in the pool.

Too long.

After I got out of the hot shower I had myself about an hour of extreme shivering before that sensation went away. It sort of feels good.

Speaking of the Tandy Hills. I got back from there to learn, via email, that the Tandy Hills was being discussed in today's issue of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in a 2 part article with the first part titled "Deep in the Heart of the Gas Drilling Controversy."

Part 2 of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article is titled "Natural gas fields have provided a fount of cash for Texas cities"

Part 2 focuses on what drilling in the Barnett Shale has done for and to North Texas. Fort Worth's #1 Watchdog, Don Young, provided input as to the bad stuff done by the drillers. That is Don Young in the photo, standing on the Tandy Hills, in a photo taken by Michael Henninger of the Post-Gazette.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Durango, I finally watched Gasland last night, including the bonus feature with Don Young. I've always been concerned about breathing bad stuff in the air here, but now I'm just scared. The scariest part was the scene showing gases being released into the air at the compressor station in Dish. I'm normally not a fan of conspiracy theories, but I have no trust in the various government air quality studies as they can be manipulated. The movie gives me even more incentive to get the hell out of this nasty place before it kills me.
