Monday, March 7, 2011

The First Monday Of March Dawns Late Because Of Jennifer Anniston

As you can sort of tell by looking out my viewing portal on the world, I am up well after the sun on the first Monday of March of 2011.

I had myself a night of restful dreams, that seemed to play out in real time.

Suffice to say this morning I know Jennifer Anniston way better than I did before last night.

It is 15 degrees above freezing this morning. A refreshing increase in warmth from yesterday morning's sub-freezing temperature that had me being wary of going swimming.

A wariness I was able to get past.

I don't know for certain what I am going to be doing this first Monday of March. The only thing I know for almost certain is I will be doing some hill hiking today.

In the meantime I am going swimming.

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