Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The World's Largest Rattlesnake Roundup Starts March 10 In Sweetwater Texas

Next month, Thursday, March 10, to be precise, the 2011 Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup starts off with the Rattlesnake Review Parade through downtown Sweetwater and the Miss Snake Charmer Pageant.

I thought I'd already updated my webpage about The World's Largest Rattlesnake Roundup with this year's info, but I had not.

After I updated the info I went to my YouTube account to get the embed code for the video I made way back in 2002 of my one and only visit to the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup.

I was a bit surprised to see there have been 343 comments about the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup Video. I get an email whenever there is a comment. But I usually don't bother to read them. After awhile it became a bit repetitive. With a lot of name calling. "Redneck hicks" is one very popular phrase used frequently. The F-Word is also very popular.

Below I will stick in the aforementioned video that generates the comments. Below that I'll stick in a few of the comments. You can read all 343 comments by going here...

Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup Video Comments...

Oh good lord you are retarded. I sincerely hope to god that you get salmonella. You are a disgusting idiot who cannot think for himself, and that is truly pitiful. I will gladly link you to some studies made by herpetologist. Rather you consider them or accept them from me, is purely on yourself.

Haha! You really are stupid, aren't you? The numbers haven't declined? Um, yeah. They have. How about you go look up some studies by herpetologist, rather than spew the BS that the Jaycees feed you at these events, hmm? They are taking them not only from Sweetwater, studies show that rattlesnakes are being gathered from neighboring states! Go educate yourself, you stupid hick.

They have no numbers of predators to cull the amount of snakes, these snakes are taken from a VERY small region, the ACTUAL numbers of rattlers in texas are in the MILLIONS lol. Gotta love the childish name calling though, really solidifies you LACK of commion knowledge and sense lol.

"No self respecting charity should take anything from this disgusting, redneck filthy act, and it will be ended. "

When will it be ended ? Its 2011 now, been around since the 40/50s, good luck.....

Wah wah wah, the numbers havent declined since the forties lol , no one cries when they roundup cockroaches. I wasnt preaching merely replying to all you whiners, we have homeless VETERAN soldiers here in the USA and you crying about rattlesnakes lol

Not to mention all the meat is eaten, bought an paid for, and proceeds go to noteable charity's, all the skins are sold an used, and the venom is used for anti venom, which is used to SAVE HUMANS when accidentaly bitten. Some people i tell ya.

i just wish something was out there to control this overly crowded human population.

That is disgusting... let's drag them from their homes, throw(!) them onto hard concrete, step on, poke, and prod them, then behead and skin them. Oh yeah, the head stays alive for several minutes after being beheaded. This isn't about population control, it's about a witch hunt for snakes. These people are monsters. Why is the SPCA not doing something about this? And I don't even like rattlesnakes much.

The venom taken at roundups are more than often not stored improperly and unusable. You stupid fuck how about you try and fucking educate yourself before preaching on youtube?

Selling the snakes flesh also does not justify it. These are wild animals. Not livestock animals.

Don't worry your little fat head about being killed by snakes, they have no interest in your fat ass. There are PLENTY of natural predators moron! Hawks, foxes, other snakes, road runners, snakes have countless predators.

You are an idiot. There is NO way you can try and say this is proper wildlife management. This is a lot different than white tailed deer hunting. These dumb asses are taking snakes and are only counting them by weight of crate, NOT by individual animal. You idiots have NO idea how many snakes you are taking. Just because they aren't endangered does NOT mean they cannot become endangered, and it does NOT mean they are at stable numbers, you fucking idiot.

I wonder how many kids watch this and come out thinking rattlesnakes are fun to play with? I was raised in Missouri as a kid & I was taught learn what different snakes look and stay away from them big time.

1 comment:

  1. edumucatedredneck2012March 29, 2011 at 9:17 AM

    It's sad that the only way some people can communicate is by attempting to belittle each other instead of making an intellectual argument. I'm willing to bet that most of these posts are by individuals not from Texas, or people who have lived in urban areas for most of their lives. Go take a walk around the country of west Texas and tell me how diminished the rattlesnake population has become. Though this event may seem like cruel and unusual to most of you "edumucated city-folk", just how on earth do you think your food is made? Does it magically appear on your plate with no animals being hurt? Marine and freshwater fish can be considered wild animals, but they are caught, gutted, and cleaned to make your sushi. As for the person from Australia. You can call us uncivilized, but alas, you're country was primarily formed for criminals, so it's all good.
