Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Mysterious Bamboo Teepee Grows In The Heart Of The Tandy Hills & Denise The Indian Needs To Check Her Gmail

I've happened upon a strange thing.

Or two.

Over the years of hiking on the Tandy Hills.

But, today was the strangest yet.

I was rather enjoying the late afternoon hiking. Perfect temperature. Wind blowing.

I went down one of the steeper hills, crossed a creek, took the option to the right that required going under some low hanging branches.

Popped out from under the low hanging branches to a small clearing to find myself startled by the structure you see above.

A teepee framework made of bamboo.

There is no bamboo growing on the Tandy Hills that I have ever seen.

This location was about as close to the center of the Tandy Hills Natural Area as you can be. Meaning, as long a distance from a road as you could find.

Yet, someone hauled in multiple bamboo poles, with the leaves still attached. There is a pile of bamboo leaves laying on the ground around the perimeter of the teepee frame.

I'm guessing I am going to be asked exactly where this bamboo teepee frame is located.

Take the main View Street trail to the Tandy Hills. Take the first right from that trail. Continue east on that trail, down the steep hill, across the creek. When you get across the creek take the trail to the right. The bamboo teepee frame is just on the other side of the line of trees.

Is this teepee the first of many? An Indian Village in the making? A new Fort Worth Homeless People Shanty Town?

And on a totally different subject, Denise, check your Gmail. I have a question for you.


  1. A bamboo teepee. Exactly what variety of "Indians" might we be talking about? The variety that Columbus THOUGHT he discovered or the variety he ACTUALLY discovered?

  2. Steve A, you have made the mystery of a bamboo Indian teepee even more mysterious.

  3. This is a very bad thing for TH. Those poles need to be carried out asap before they root. We have enough problems with other invasive species.

  4. Possibly another shanty town since those people chased off before the Toilet Bowl gotta have some place to live because despite the best accommodations some cannot easily or quickly be "domesticated". Not after years of living out in and with nature. What better place to set up camp than a place called the Tandy Hills NATURAL Area.

    Plus, the white abandoned sedan on CHK's drilling site at the east end of Scott Ave., which had served as shelter for some for a few years, was suddenly removed right before the Toilet Bowl as well since its location on a small hill could often be seen from I-30.

    Speaking of toilets, Sunday we saw a few tents set up inside the areas that you had described as storing hundreds of Texas outhouses...the part closer to the gas well and the freeway.

    Maybe Moncrief will devote his time to helping these people after his reign ends.
