Saturday, January 8, 2011

Up Late The Chilly 2nd Saturday Morning Of 2011 In Texas

Looking out my bedroom window, this morning, you might guess I was up late Friday night, which is what has me up after the sun on the 2nd Saturday of 2011.

I do not like getting up after the sun, don't like it at all.

Even though the sun has been up for awhile it has only managed to warm the air outside my abode to a chilly 2 degrees above freezing.

Tomorrow we are scheduled, in North Texas, to go below freezing with snow making its first appearance of the current snow season. Not much snow is predicted to accumulate.

If I remember correctly the prediction was for not too much snow accumulating for Christmas of 2009. We ended up with about a foot of the white stuff that time.

Elsie Hotpepper has informed me that she is too heavily scheduled today to exhibit her hiking skills on the Tandy Hills during the Manly Men/Wild Women Hike that starts up in about 2 hours.

And I just heard from Betty Jo Bouvier regarding flying in for the Manly Men/Wild Women Hike, saying, "Sorry, I missed my flight. Maybe next year."

I have a sense that Betty Jo Bouvier is being a tad disingenuous.

As for me, I am currently scheduled to be on the Tandy Hills after the Manly Men & Wild Women have completed their hiking.

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