Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Manly Men & Wild Women Had Mostly Abandoned The Tandy Hills By The Time Of My Arrival

I was not able to make it back from Dallas in time for the 10 in the morning Manly Men/Wild Women Hike on the Tandy Hills today.

By the time I made it to the top of Mount Tandy it was well past noon. Nary a Manly Man or Wild Woman in sight from the view atop Mount Tandy.

Later on my daily hike I did see a man and woman hiking.

I was unable to ascertain if they were either manly or wild. I also saw a kid on a mountain bike pedaling north on the Tandy Highway, stopping at Tandy Falls.

As you can see by looking at the view from the top of Mount Tandy of the stunning skyline of the futuristic looking downtown of Fort Worth, it is a perfect blue sky day today in North Texas. A little bit on the side of being chilly, though, thus requiring long pants and two layers of long sleeved t-shirts, for the first time in several days.

On a totally different subject, this morning, Betty Jo Bouvier, after missing her plane that would have taken her to Texas to hike on the Tandy Hills, told me about a Beer Scandal that had erupted in the place where the Seattle Seahawks play football, a stadium that goes by the name of Qwest Field. Qwest is a phone company we don't have in Texas.

The Qwest Field Seattle Seahawk Beer Scandal seemed familiar to me. Has a similar thing happened in the Dallas Cowboy Stadium? Is that what I'm remembering? Anyway, I blogged about the Qwest Field Seattle Seahawk Beer Scandal on my Washington Blog.

I do not know if the Seahawks are out of Super Bowl contention yet. I do know their record is better than the Dallas Cowboys, who are out of contention to play football in the first Super Bowl to take place in their new stadium.

I must go watch the Seahawks/Saints game now, to cheer the Seahawks on to victory and that possible Super Bowl spot.

If I remember right the Seahawks have been in the Super Bowl one time previous. And blew it really bad.


  1. Durango,
    The Seahawks won!!!!! Did you see it???

  2. Betty Jo---
    When you mentioned the Seahawks to me this morning, I did not realize it was a playoff game. Then around 5 I was on in my Washington Twitter thing and someone Tweeted about Seattle being ahead. So, I turned on the TV and watched them win. Apparently the crowd was real loud, but you sure did not hear that on TV. I guess I will be watching the Seahawks in the Super Bowl again. Only this time they will be playing about 7 miles from my abode.
