Friday, January 14, 2011

The Morning Of January 14 In Texas Thinking About Super Bowl Attendance Records & Not Freezing

We are almost to the mid-point of the 1st month of the New Year of 2011.

It is 23 Days til the Dallas Cowboys are not playing in the Super Bowl in their new stadium.

I read this morning that around 10,000 suckers, I mean fans, are expected to stand outside the Dallas Cowboy stadium during the Super Bowl, in the Party Pass Zones.

I do not know how much Party Pass tickets cost.

Jerry Jones is hoping to set an attendance record at the Super Bowl. I suppose this record is important for the all important bragging rights about such an important record.

There is currently a controversy over whether or not it is fair to count Party Pass people as actual attendees.

On a totally different subject, looking out the bars of my patio prison cell, this morning, it appears, again, that the day is starting off with a blue sky over North Texas. But, this has once again proved to be some sort of pre-dawn optical illusion. The sun has now lit up the place a lot brighter than when that photo was taken. And, now I can clearly see, we are still under a gray cloud cover.


Good news.

It did not freeze last night. This morning it is a relatively balmy 36 degrees out there.

So, I guess I will head to the swimming pool now. No need for sunscreen.

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