Friday, January 14, 2011

Giant White Puffballs & Startled Ducks Today At Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake

Today as I walked across the grassy field that surrounds Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park I came upon an area where stems with big white puffballs were sticking out of the ground like gray-haired wildflowers.

Such a delicate looking bloom.

The increase in temperature, to a relatively balmy 12 degrees above freezing, had more people out walking and running than when the temperature was 12 degrees on the other side of freezing.

When I got to Fosdic Lake I got out my phone to make a call and saw I had a message. It was Elsie Hotpepper, urgently wanting me to call her back because she had something to tell me that would amuse me.

I like to be amused, so I called Elsie back. But, she did not answer. Instead I got a long message about tropical islands, cruise ships and saloon hopping.

I take this to mean that Elsie Hotpepper is taking a cruise ship to a tropical island to do some saloon hopping. I guess I can see where I might find that amusing.

I don't previously recollect ever seeing as many ducks taking refuge on Fosdic Lake as I did today. Many of the ducks were huddled near the shore. Others were huddled in the water.

The lady in the picture is looking at the ducks with an expression of horror. I think she thought those were dead ducks that had washed up on shore, rather than live ducks who were at that location by choice.

The lady looked relieved when I startled the beached ducks and they flew out on to the lake.

Startling ducks and relieving old ladies passes for excitement in my sad little world.

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