Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Lost A Pair Of Sunglasses & Got One Of The World's Biggest Tandy Hills Prairie Fest Coffee Mugs

After Saturday's Tandy Hills 2nd Annual Manly Men/Wild Women Hike I got a message from one of the Manly Men, initials "DY", telling me he'd lost his ultra-valuable Ray Ban Sunglasses somewhere on the Tandy Hills.

I said I'd look for the Lost Sunglasses the following day, even though I was fairly certain I would have about as much luck as finding a needle in the proverbial haystack.

Well, the next day, Sunday, it rained and snowed, rendering Sunglass Hunting impossible.

Yesterday, Tuesday around noon, I returned to the Tandy Hills and began a Systematic Sunglasses Search.

After an undetermined length of time I miraculously found the Missing Sunglasses.

On my way to Oakland Lake Park, this afternoon, to walk around frigid Fosdic Lake I pulled up to "DY's" abode just as he and his lovely wife "D" were leaving.

"DY" stopped his vehicle and went to his front porch to retrieve the BIG Prairie Fest 2010 Coffee Mug you see above. "DY" told me this mug is a valuable collector's item worth $100s.

Which sort of indicates that those lost Ray Ban Sunglasses must have been very valuable.

That Prairie Fest Coffee Mug is so big, I'm not sure I can lift it if it has coffee in it. I sat it beside my pool with the hot tub in the background just to give you an idea as to the ENORMITY of this Coffee Mug.


  1. I'm in the shale house nowJanuary 12, 2011 at 11:36 PM

    I like the coffee mug and wish I had one. Not for 100s of dollars however.

  2. Being the generous individual associated with one of the most neighborly gas corporations in the B.S. area, I would help you out, shale house commenter. You can have this private property for less than it's fair market value after I "legally" own it. Durango would understand since he's a long-time "citizen of the shale" and accustomed to the FW Way.
