Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fort Worth's Special Sanitary Sewer Manholes & Sinkholes

A  couple months ago I arrived at Oakland Lake Park to see heavy equipment digging a deep ditch.

When this project was completed I was surprised to see the tell tale indicators indicating the deep ditch was for a sewer line.

Which seem sort of ironic for Oakland Lake Park to have a sewer line running through it since it has no public restrooms or running water.

Even though Oakland Lake Park does have picnic facilities.

I think in more, well, uh, civilized parts of America it is sort of a no-no to have public picnic facilities without running water or public restrooms.

Apparently Fort Worth can not afford to put such amenities in all its parks.

But, apparently Fort Worth can afford to have signature Sanitary Sewer Manhole Covers made that say "City of Fort Worth Sanitary Sewer" complete with the Fort Worth Longhorn Logo.

Is this done because Fort Worth is just so darn proud that it has a Sanitary Sewer? I remember years ago being surprised by how many of the Fort Worth Stockyards venues touted having indoor plumbing as one of their attractions.

Moving past the Sanitary Sewer Manhole to something more disturbing that is near the manhole.

A Sinkhole.

Seeing a Sinkhole sink right in a location that has recently been dug up, with new piping installed, does not seem to be a good sign.

In the picture you can see that "special" manhole cover in the background.

This new Fort Worth Sinkhole seems to present a bit of a problem. As in, someone could trip on that hole in the dark.

Every time I mention a Texas Sinkhole on my blog it erupts into a comment controversy. I hope that does not happen this time. Usually the Sinkhole controversies are caused by Gar the Texan going on about aquifers. I don't think this particular Sinkhole has anything to do with an aquifer.


  1. I'm in the shale house nowJanuary 12, 2011 at 11:34 PM

    I think the longhorn in the FW logo is named Molly.

  2. Ft. Worthless citizenJanuary 13, 2011 at 11:16 AM

    By golly, Molly this picture is appropriately symbolic of FW is many ways, chief among them: her shoddy physical, civic, and moral foundation.
