Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Thin Man Of The Tandy Hills Thinking About ISO, Scrabble Queens, Climbing Mountains & Texas Sharon's Bad Gas News

With my camera's ISO setting set on the correct setting, today I was able to take a non-overexposed picture of the Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man.

This morning I was pleased to learn, from a link provided by Waldo, what ISO means. ISO makes sense to me now.

Thank you, Waldo, for alleviating me of one of my many areas of ignorance.

I was overdressed when I took off for the Tandy Hills today. There was no need for a windbreaker. There was no need for an extra shirt layer. There really was not a great need for a stocking cap. I was probably glad I was in long pants.

Right now, at almost 4 in the afternoon, it is a few degrees shy of 70, here in my formerly frigid zone of Texas.

The Scrabble Queen of Washington is currently Scrabbling from Pullman. That is over in Eastern Washington. Far eastern. Almost to Idaho. It is snowing and cold in her location. The Scrabble Queen wanted me to go out to Starbucks with her this morning, but distance restraints made that a bit difficult. The Scrabble Queen is over in Pullman, at Washington State University, staying with her daughter, Danielle, who's birthday is tomorrow.

I have mentioned Danielle before. She is world famous for being the youngest person to reach the summit of the tallest mountain on each of the 7 continents.

Today I got Facebook Friended, for the first time, by a dog. Shelby. Shelby is one of Princess Annie of Wink's guard dogs.

I learned from Texas Sharon today that I am not alone in thinking the Barnett Shale Natural Gas Driller's dirty polluting practices may be why I have not been feeling my usual tip/top self of late.

How ironic. Just as I typed "tip/top self" my throat itched and I coughed. Followed by a sneeze.

I need someone to come to my rescue and transport me to a place where the air is clean. I may be too weak to do this myself...

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