Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Going To Grapevine's Gaylord Texan & Getting A New BBQ

That's my new gas BBQ grill sitting outside on the patio.

I have yet to use the new BBQ. I got it out of its box this morning. I hauled it in here last night, late, returning from a Christmas Party at Gaylord Texan.

Christmas at Gaylord Texan is quite a spectacle. If you don't want to go inside and experience all of Texas under one roof, things like the San Antonio Riverwalk, the Alamo, Palo Duro Canyon, and more, just driving the road into Gaylord Texan you'll go by some over the top, well done Christmas displays.

In fact, you can pretty much say that for all of Grapevine, as in the drive through the main part of the historic town is done up quite nicely. And you will see some mighty big Xmas balls sitting on the ground. Biggest Xmas balls I've ever seen.

At last night's Christmas Party the gift part was done via a method I have done before. Only previously I was required to bring a gift to add to the gift pile. When I have done this style of Xmas present exchanging, before, it was called the Greed Game. A person opens a gift, the next person can either take it or open another. On and on it goes.

This can be amusing.

Last night's method was called The Chinese Gift Exchange. This somehow seemed borderline politically incorrect to me. The gifts were not wrapped. When your turn came you either took something from someone or took something from under the tree that no one else had taken. After 3 iterations of taking something new you were stuck with your 3rd choice.

I picked the BBQ and no one took it from me. I have an intimidating scowl when I want to keep something. I'm assuming. Maybe no one else wanted a portable BBQ. And found the digital cameras, flat panel TVs, I-Pads and trip to Las Vegas more enticing. Those items were heavily exchanged. Among others.

So, my first Christmas Party of the season is out of the way. At the next one I know I will not be bringing home anything good, because it is a work party and only those who work at this particular place get to play in the gift part of the party.

I usually don't blog about anything I do between 6pm and 6am, but this morning I made an exception. Maybe because unlike most periods of time between 6pm 6am, this time I got myself a new BBQ. It is so rare I get something new....


  1. So your party must have had a $400 limit on spending. I have not been to such a party before...or even heard of one. What the...????

  2. Betty Jo, surely you have heard that everything is bigger in Texas. This may be my #1 reason I moved here.
