Saturday, December 11, 2010

Taking The Tandy Hills Cure & Getting 10 Loaves Of Bread From Town Talk

Town Talk was the busiest I've ever seen it today. I was there around 12:30.

I'd gone on the longest hike ever on the Tandy Hills, hoping to shake up the respiratory malfunction that has had me feeling the blahs for several days.

The Tandy Hills Natural Sanatorium seems to have had its hoped for salubrious effect.

In other words, I feel better.

I took a picture of the Town Talk parking lot for Ms. MLK, up in Tacoma. She would have liked Town Talk today.

I'd not been to Town Talk when the warehouse is opened up, before. Apparently this happens rarely. When I walked in to Town Talk I saw lots of people pushing carts beyond the doors that are usually closed. After I finished my usual Town Talk treasure hunting route, I went beyond the doors that are usually closed.

A nice lady with a full cart explained the open warehouse to me. And pointed to whole wheat bread, cases of 10 loaves. For $2. Real good artisan bakery type whole wheat bread. I also got organic pink grapefruit, 5 for $1. Plus sweet potato chips and tortilla chips made with black, green and kalamata olives, 2 for $1. That's all I found to get in the warehouse area.

This was my first time at Town Talk that required a grocery cart, rather than a handheld basket. It was the case of bread that pushed the load over the top. I had a grocery cart full and it only cost $9.

Now that I am sitting in this enclosed space, typing away and staring at a computer monitor, my respiratory woe seems to have returned. Maybe I've become allergic to computers. Or the Internet. Or blogging. Or a combo.

A strong wind has blown away the clouds, blue sky has returned. Maybe the wind will blow in some fresher, less polluted air.


  1. Thank you for the photo of TT. I usually went there after work. I went on a Saturday one time and it was so crowded you couldn't push a basket. Usually the warehouse is open on Saturday.

    What are you going to do with all that bread?

  2. MLK, Saturday is my favorite day to go to TT. This was my first time finding the warehouse open. Maybe they used to open it more often. Or maybe oblivious me did not notice it being open. I only found the walk-in cooler after my second visit. Like I said, I can be a bit oblivious. Maybe un-observant is more accurate.

  3. MLK, I forgot say, I froze the bread. As for what will I do with it? Over time I will thaw it and eat it.
