Saturday, December 11, 2010

Getting My $29 Party Pass So I Can Stand In The Cold Outside The Dallas Cowboy Stadium

I've been seeing the above ad at the top of the Dallas Morning News website every morning for awhile now.

For those of you not in Dallas Cowboy land a Party Pass lets you watch a Dallas Cowboy game. While standing outside the new Dallas Cowboy Stadium, watching the game on Big Screen TVs.

I do not know if the Party Passers have access to the restroom facilities inside the stadium, or if they are relegated to using one of the dozens upon dozens of Dallas Cowboy Trademarked Outhouses dotting the parking lots.

Do very many people actually pay 29 bucks to stand outside during a game? Will the Super Bowl have the Party Pass option?

Do other National Football League teams do this Party Pass deal? Or is it an only in Texas type thing?


  1. You must be missing something. Perhaps it includes all the beer the partier can drink? Otherwise, why not just sit at home and watch the game on a big screen TV?

  2. Steve A. , this is Jerry Jones we're dealing with here. If he could, the man would charge for the. Dallas Cowboys air the suckers, uh, I mean the fans breathe. It's what I would call the Jerry Jones way. As long as you can pay, he'll let you stay.
