Monday, December 6, 2010

My Next Door Neighbor The Evil Chesapeake Energy Empire Has Returned With Bright Lights

This morning, when I exited my abode to head to the Tandy Hills, I was surprised that my next door neighbor, Chesapeake Energy, was being busy at the Chesapeake Barnett Shale Drilling Operation that is a stone's throw, or two, from where I try to sleep.

As you can see, a drilling rig has been installed. Again.

And, for some reason a big RV like rig is sitting outside the entry gate. With a big bank of lights sitting next to it. With a burly looking woman attending to the trailer by the bank of lights.

Could this be a TV crew? Could the burly woman be a German? You know how burly those German women can be. Gar the Texan used to be married to a really burly one. I think he had her deported when she got too burly.

I digress.

So, is this part of the German ARD TV Crew that is in Fort Worth this week to gather info about the Barnett Shale notorieties?

What do they need bright lights at night for?

I fear I am heading for some noisy aggravation in the coming days and nights.

Total change of subject. 

Speaking of Gar the Texan. Just seconds ago I was appalled to read on his blog of his worst case ever of The Vapors. With this case of The Vapors sending Gar the Texan to a Wichita Falls Emergency Room, where the emergency was so serious he was immediately hospitalized so that drastic measures could be taken to get The Vapors under control.

Back to the previous subject, that being the return of Chesapeake Energy to my next door neighbor. Anyone know what the Evil Empire is up to on Bridgewood Drive? That requires heavy duty night lighting? And a big RV? And a burly German woman?


  1. Have you ever thought that maybe all of the good RV spots are already taken? Also, bright lights are needed for a successful tailgate party --hey big German women like fun too you know!!

  2. Sorry your evil neighbors have returned. I guess someone else is getting a rest.

    I drank beers with the Germans. There wasn't any burly German woman. There was a slender pretty one though.
