Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday Morning In Texas After A Night Of Trying To Get The Lights Turned On In Washington

Stepping outside to take a picture through the bars of my patio prison cell was a bit chilly this first Monday of the last month of 2010.

It is 27 degrees out there this morning. Brrrrr.

This morning I got an email informing me that Annie Trujillo wants to be friends on Facebook. I always find that verbiage odd. I don't know why, I just do.

I spent a lot of time back in my old house in Mount Vernon, Washington, last night. I do not recollect having vivid dreams about that house before. The house previous to that one, yes, but not the one I was in last night.

That house had a lot of lights, inside and out. In several locations there were 4 light switches in a row. In last night's nightmare I was obsessed with those switches. No matter how hard I flicked the one that turned on the track lighting nothing would happen. The one that was supposed to turn on the fan high up on the third floor instead turned on the furnace in the basement.

I'd wake up frustrated. Then fall back asleep and it'd start up again.

I'm sure there is some deep Freudian explanation. I choose to think it means my sub-conscious has an urge to get the right lights turned on to facilitate a move back to Washington.

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