Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Calm Warm Wednesday Afternoon Walking Around Fosdic Lake With The Ducks

It has been awhile since I've been to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake.

Today during my usual aerobicizing time I was up in Hurst. Where I was surprised to see that the new OC Burgers joint that opened not long ago, to fanfare, due to it being a favorite in other places, is now closed.

I think the OC Burger burger joint is based in California. I hope the OC demise does not bode ill for the incoming  from California In & Out Burger joints. I was sort of looking forward to the arrival of In & Out.

Fosdic Lake was very peaceful this late afternoon around 5. No wind blowing. The birds were all nice and calm, not acting bird-brained at all. I think a little burst of pleasant weather soothes the savage beasts and renders them in a good mood. I know that is what it does to me.

Right now, as I sit here typing, post 5, my windows are back open again. They likely will not be open for long.

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