Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Alma the Songbird of the Texas Gulf Coast & Coach Potato Productions Sings For You

You are looking at Alma, Songbird of the Texas Gulf Coast, in mid-warble, singing from her new deluxe apartment in the sky, in the town of Port Aransas, where Alma is currently headquartered, running her Coach Potato Productions Corporation.

I met Alma sometime late in the last century, or early in the current century. around the same time I met Gar the Texan, in this bizarre thing, the nature of which I had never experienced before, called the D/FW Singles Newsgroup.

There were a lot of what I would call "marginal" personality types in D/FW Singles. Gar the Texan and I and Alma (and others) would have fun, at times, tweaking their hyper-sensitive sensitivities.

My favorite escapade in D/FW Singles was what came to be known as the Donisagate Scandals. Alma sort of got caught on the wrong side of Donisagate, at first. Then she figured it out. Donisagate started in a saloon in North Dallas, the name of which now escapes me. Donisa and I had left the saloon. And then got called back. And that is when Donisagate began. I was oblivious of the fuse that had been lit that night, even though I lit it, til the next morning.

I wonder where Donisa is now?

In the past week Alma disbanded her Havana Dreams duo, firing her conga drum drummer, Luis. I would not have said anything til now, but I think Alma is well rid of that skeezy-sleazy Luis guy.

This week Alma mastered the art of the solo making of a music video. Below is Alma's "test" effort, singing a Neil Young song called "Sugar Mountain."  I must add, regarding the video, Alma said she should have combed her hair, put on makeup and adjusted the lighting. But it was a test, so who cares....

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