Friday, November 19, 2010

Tonight's Drinking Four Loko With Homeless People On The Tandy Hills

Sunset Tandy Hills Hikes are my new repetitive habit. Come the heat of next summer I can see where late in the evening Tandy Hills Hikes might be a really good thing.

If I am still living here.

Tonight's hill hike had one jarring moment. I was walking along, fast, when suddenly ahead of me I saw a pile of stuff that did not belong in the natural area. Because it was not natural. From a distance I thought it was some sort of construction material.

But, as I got closer I saw it was a little pathetic camp. It made me a bit nervous, as I looked around, looking for the homeless person who belonged to this abode. I saw no one. But noises in the trees startled me a couple times as I took pictures.

On the right side of the camp you can see a Dallas Cowboy blanket. Could this be the camp of that hapless Wade Phillips guy who Jerry Jones fired as Dallas Cowboy coach a few days ago? I know Jerry Jones can be a bit draconian, but would he leave that sad coach homeless? I suspect not.

Continuing on I came upon a new Four Loko can stuck on a branch. Could the Tandy Hills Homeless Person be the Four Loko drinker?

Four Loko has been banned in the repressive, conservative State of Washington. Meanwhile in free-spirited, liberal Texas, Four Loko continues to be sold.

Even to minors.

A guy was arrested a day or two ago, here in the D/FW Metroplex, for selling Four Loko to a pair of minors, 16 years old, I think, who drank the Four Lokos, stole the family SUV, in Denton, and headed for the Oklahoma border, with a 14 year old girl. The driver, drunk on Four Loko, rolled the SUV, sending the un-seat-belted girl flying to her death.

I have not detected much noise in my current location demanding a cessation of Four Loko selling. If there has been noise it may have been lost in all the noise over Fort Worth Streetcars.

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