Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Late Texas Saturday Morning Thinking About A Murder, A Full Pool, Caribbean Cruises & Hotpepper Sisters

It is the morning of Saturday, November 20. In two days it will be 47 years, if my math is correct, since someone gunned down John F. Kennedy in Dallas.

On November 22, 2003 I went to the 40th Anniversary of the Assassination at Dealey Plaza. This was one of the more macabre events I have ever witnessed.

Changing the subject from murdering presidents.

As you can see, my pool is back full of water. While the pool was out of business I seem to have lost my ability to motivate myself to get in cold water. I suppose the temperature being under 50 helps temper the temptation to get wet and cold.

Gar the Texan got 2 all expenses paid Caribbean cruise tickets. He wants me to go with him on this cruise. But I'd have to renew my passport and that seems like an awful lot of bother just to go float on a boat.

Speaking of headaches. Last night, after my salubrious Tandy Hills Sunset Hiking, I got talked into doing some Saloon Hopping with the Salsa Sisters, Elsie and Kelsie Hotpepper. As a consequence of my bad judgement I was out way past my regular bedtime. And up, this morning, way past my usual uptime.

And my head hurts, I suppose from way too much Hotpepper.

It is going to be a long day today.

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