Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thinking About Moving Back To Washington On A Cold Saturday Morning In Texas

40 degrees this November 6 Saturday morning in Texas as the sun starts to try to light up the place.

The aches and pains and burning eyes that yesterday had me thinking I was coming down with something, have abated, somewhat.

I had nightmares last night involving moving back to Washington. I kept getting thwarted. And bit by bit I kept losing the stuff I was trying to move with me. Eventually I could not even keep a light lit.

I'm sure it was all very Freudian. Particularly the unable to keep a light lit part.

I think if I still had a house waiting for me in Washington, I'd move back. But, my house was sold in 2002. I think it was 2002. It may have been 2003.

I am wondering if I want to take a shock treatment this morning by getting a chill thrill in the pool.

I know for certain I am going to the Tandy Hills today and get myself a heavy duty endorphin fix.


  1. DOn't move back today. Cold and raining like heck.

  2. MLK----
    You are warmer up there than it is down here, this morning. 42 right now at 9:30. Slightly considering firing up the furnace for the first time in a long time. But, no rain here. Nice blue sky shining over Fort Worth this morning.
