Friday, November 5, 2010

Arlington Aches, Pains & Burning Eyes While Looking At Grounded Columns At Veterans Park

Arlington has been busy working on Veterans Park. Unlike a much larger city to the immediate west, Arlington seems to get right on any infrastructure problems.

For instance, the last time I was at Veterans Park I saw the boardwalk to the formal garden had been removed. I had noticed a few worn boards, but nothing too dire. Certainly nothing like the rotted boardwalks that are boarded up in Fort Worth's Gateway Park.

The new boardwalk in Veterans Park appears to be finished, but not quite open due to some finishing touches.

Phase 2, or 3, of the Veterans Memorial in Veterans Park is underway. Columns are laying on the ground behind the soldier standing guard over the memorial. I assume the columns are not laying on the ground as symbols of fallen soldiers, but instead are awaiting being installed.

A lot of people were in Veterans Park today. I suppose this was due to the weather being perfect.

To me it seems a bit cold. As in too cool for the pool this morning. It was 40 degrees when I tried to get some chill thrill. I lasted, at tops, 3 minutes before common sense got me out of the water.

I've been feeling sort of slightly under the weather all day, including before the chilly pool incident. Something has been in the air today that has been irritating my eyes. It was worse in Arlington, well, actually, in Pantego is when it got really bad.

Elsie Hotpepper just emailed me to nag that there must be something wrong with me because I've not been blogging.

I only do the blogging thing when I don't have something else that needs to be done. Elsie emailed me an assignment or two, today, that took priority over blogging.

That and I'd blogged on my DurangObese Blog about What's Eating Gilbert Grape and a Harvard MIT study that purports to show that the American Obesity Epidemic will worsen til 2050, when it tops out with 44% of Americans being obese.

I hope I am not coming down with anything. I have not been sick in a long long time. I have been feeling a bit of stress of late and stress weakens the immune system.

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