Thursday, November 18, 2010

November 18 In Texas Looking Out Steamy Windows Thinking About Steamy Teachers & Bicycle Theives

On this chilly morning of November 18 my view of the outside world is a bit blocked by steamy windows. I resist the temptation to turn on the furnace for the first time of this particular chilly season.

I was late on the Tandy Hills yesterday. So late the sun started disappearing on me. Combined with the chilly temperature, a high wind and losing the light, I found myself running at times, particularly up the hills, partly to speed up, partly to warm up.

As a consequence of that extra exertion, this morning I have that delightful feeling of a few strained muscles in a few choice locations.

I am sure I will recover.

In the meantime I must remember to tell the story of Fort Borscht in the old Soviet Union. Maybe I will get around to that today.

Speaking of today. It looks like today will be yet one more clear, blue sky day in Texas.

I read in the Star-Telegram that yet one more female teacher in the D/FW Metroplex has been arrested for corrupted a minor boy. A 26 year old woman with a 16 year old boy, this time.

This problem seems to be some sort of epidemic. And it is not confined to Texas.

One of the more notorious examples of this phenomenon  took place in my old home state of Washington with the Mary Jo LaTourneau scandal. Eventually, after a couple trips to prison, and birthing a baby, Mary Joy married her Samoan boy.

Are a lot of police resources devoted to investigating these type crimes? To me, and I'm like wrong, but in my humble opinion, the attempted theft of my van and the actual theft of my bike is a worse crime. But it warranted absolutely no investigation by the Fort Worth police.

How about trying a little vehicle theft sting action with police trap, easily stolen vehicles, with good stuff inside to tempt the thieves? If it were known by the thieves that there were police trap vehicles out there, geared to catch a thief, one would think this might put a damper on the activity.

Anyway, it is time to go do something non-computer related now.

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