Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me On The Tandy Hills

Coming up on 5, this afternoon, I was being peppered with questions from Elsie Hotpepper about my lunch, today, with her sister Kelsie. I tell you, the sibling rivalry between those peppery Hotpepper sisters is borderline unseemly.

There are reasons some Hotpeppers don't get made into salsa.

Whatever that means.

So, to escape the Elsie Hotpepper inquisition I took off for the Tandy Hills, not quite remembering when the sun went down for the day.

I was well into the hills when I realized the sun was dancing dangerously close to the horizon. I have hiked in the dark before. One notorious time getting caught miles from the trail head, after hiking to Washington's hidden volcano, Glacier Peak. That went okay til the batteries went dead on my flashlight.

Tonight, I was coming down the hill that leads to Tandy Falls, when the sun really started turning down the illumination. I was grateful the Tandy River was currently not roaring over Tandy Falls, so an easy passage was made over the escarpment.

It was a bit difficult navigating the poorly illuminated, very rocky trail, that leads to the top of Mount Tandy from the north side. But I made it.

Obviously, or I would not now be telling the tale of my evening travail.

Now, what am I to do with those Hotpepper sisters?

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