Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 11 In A Row Of Not Getting In Shape Hiking The Tandy Hills

Winter is fast approaching, in a week it will be December. Yet, today on Day 11 in a row of hiking on the Tandy Hills I saw a newly bloomed wildflower.

The yellow flower you see in the picture, blooming solo, the only bloom to be seen in any direction from its location.

Eleven days in a row of hiking may be a record. I'm not sure. I have memory issues.

The excessive hiking had been part of my campaign to get in shape and rid myself of unsightly excess adipose tissue.

Last night, thanks to Don Young, I learned that all my swimming, hiking, biking and all the other various aerobic strains I put myself through are likely all totally futile, due to the fact that I am likely genetically doomed to be physiologically unable to get in shape.

Don Young sent me a link to a New York Times article titled "Phys-Ed: The Workout Enigma" which detailed the findings of Finnish research into the reasons why, no matter what people like me do, there is no way we can get can get to a shape level commonly known as buff. Or those 6 pack ab deals that are considered a mark of being in good shape.

The first two discouraging sentences of the article are...

Recently, researchers in Finland made the discovery that some people’s bodies do not respond as expected to weight training, others don’t respond to endurance exercise and, in some lamentable cases, some don’t respond to either. In other words, there are those who just do not become fitter or stronger, no matter what exercise they undertake.

Well, at least I now know why, after all these years of heavy duty exercise, eating healthy and taking my vitamins, I am still a high blood pressured mess with baby fat.

I guess I should thank Don Young for showing me the light. I won't let this new reality stop me from doing my hill hiking or swimming. I find both to be relaxing and fun, even if all that activity is doing nothing for me, getting in shape-wise.

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