Wednesday, November 24, 2010

71 Degrees This Morning In Balmy Texas While Washington Has Record Breaking Lows & Snow

The morning before Thanksgiving, November 24, outside, looking through my patio prison cells bars at my tropical Texas paradise, with the temperature a balmy 71, windows open all night.

Meanwhile up in my old location in the frigid north, the Seattle zone is shivering at 16 degrees, with it expected to get colder, as in record breaking cold. With more snow. The deep freeze and snow of the last couple days in the Pacific Northwest has overwhelmed crews trying to keep roads open.

Tropical Texas, well, my zone of Tropical Texas, is scheduled to get frozen on Thanksgiving, with a predicted low tomorrow of 27 with a high of 44, with precipitation. I assume not in the form of iced crystals.

So, I guess I need to go swimming this morning while the pool remains at a pleasant temperature.

After the swimming I need to do some cooking to get ready for tomorrow's Turkey Buffet.

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