Monday, October 4, 2010

Walking Around Fosdic Lake Looking At A Big Ditch Getting Dug

The grass has been cut at Oakland Lake Park, making it pleasant to walk around Fosdic Lake again.

I am feeling a bit less energetic than my norm, today, so a peaceful walk around a lake seemed to be a good idea.

The seemingly unneeded sidewalk fixing project, at Oakland Lake Park, seems to have ended. With the one bad section of the paved trail left un-fixed. One can clearly tell where that one bad section is, due to it being covered with dried mud.

Today I saw the flush with money City of Fort Worth has the Fort Worth Water Department digging a big ditch in the northwest side of the park, right by the bridge across Fosdic Falls.

I remember a year or two ago a big hole was dug in this location. For what reason I no longer remember, but I vaguely recollect it seemed to make sense at the time.

I could make no sense out of what the Fort Worth Water Department people are digging for this time. It appears to be a big drainage ditch, maybe.

But, draining what? I'm sure it will all make sense in time and reveal itself as a much more sensible expenditure of city funds than keeping a library or pool open.

Maybe Fort Worth is adding restroom facilities to this park. Currently there are none. Not even any of those outhouses that Fort Worth seems to like sticking in its parks. There also is no running water in Oakland Lake Park. There is a nice, covered picnic pavilion, but with no running water.

I would think running water and restroom facilities would be a must have for any city park with picnic facilities. But, that is not the case in these parts.

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