Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Still In Recovery Mode In Texas At 20 Degrees Above Freezing

Have the birds flown further south for the winter? I heard no tweeting greeting the arrival of the sun this morning.

It is only 52 this morning. 20 degrees above freezing. I am not going swimming. I am still in recovery mode from whatever it was that made me one big aching sore.

If I can muster the energy I may try and ride my bike out of Gateway Park on to the Trinity Trail and over the Trinity River to take a picture or two of the dried up river.

But, right now, I'm taking a prescription dose of Ibuprofen.


  1. This isn't like you. What's wrong partner?

  2. Betty Jo, me thinks Sunday's bike wreck wreaked more havoc on my aged body than I realized at the time. I plan on being recovered by tomorrow. I hope.

  3. I knew you took a tumble, but thought that because your are fit as a fiddle, you would bounce right back with minimal aches and pains. I didn't calculate in your age factor.
