Sunday, October 10, 2010

Up After The Sun On Sunday 10/10/10 In Texas

The sun got up before me on this, the second Sunday of October. October is almost a third gone.

That disturbs me.

Halloween stuff showed up in stores a couple weeks ago. Halloween will barely be over when Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff will start showing up, heralding in my least favorite time of the year.

On a bright note it is 60 out there this morning. That is a balmy 28 degrees above freezing, which is warmer than previous mornings of late.

Something has me coughing this morning. I don't think the cause is the pack of cigarettes I smoked last night. Because I don't smoke. I've got my windows open. I'm wondering if there is something foul in the air that has me coughing.

The coughing seems to be abating the more coffee I drink.

It is getting so bright out there I may need to be wearing my sunglasses when I go swimming in a few minutes.

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