Saturday, October 9, 2010

Good Grief Moncrief Says Shoresjim Among Other Things About Corrupt Cronies

Way back on May 12 apparently I blogged about Lying & Deceiving being the Fort Worth Way, along with the Fort Worth Culture of Corruption.

I'd sort of given up on anything being done about the obvious criminal level of conflicts of interest ethics violations committed by Fort Worth's #1 un-indicted perpetrator of shady dealing, that being the Mayor of Fort Worth, with his conflict of interest breaching of the public trust, with His Dis-Honor having made millions of dollars from the various Barnett Shale Natural Gas Drillers who have poked an awful lot of holes in the ground of the town of which Mike is Mayor.

In other parts of America, that are not under the Crime is Good Bubble, that Fort Worth is under, an elected official who profited from rulings made in his official capacity, would be in trouble.

I do hear other voices every once in awhile who seem to find Moncrief's various shenanigans to be beyond acceptable. But there remains no Federal investigation, that I am aware of. Am I remembering wrong, or didn't the FBI do some big investigation of Dallas city officials for some bad deeds?

How does the Fort Worth Criminal Protective Bubble work? Does it go back to the days of Butch and Sundance? With those bad boys knowing they could hang out in Fort Worth, safely, and have themselves a real good time with no trouble from the law? With the town eventually naming their downtown parking lots after one of the pair.

Anyway, today I got a comment to that blogging I reference above. It is a funny comment. I particularly like the phrase "Good grief, Moncrief."

The commenter sees trials ahead for some of Fort Worth's current criminal conspirators.

Below is what the commenter, "shoresjim," had to say....

"Good grief Moncrief, the Smellygram is over and so are you. This is not a damned oilagarky and you are letting the NWO Chemtrail the smart, good look'n folks (do'n the right thing) of Ft. Worth has made us mad as hell and we are going to retire you. We will then investigate you and your corrupt cronies who profited from our taxes.The CAFR ( Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) abuse will result in several being tried for their crimes."

I also like the word "oilgarky" that shoresjim used. I assume "Smellygram" refers to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. I have no idea what "NWO Chemtrail" is. Or the "CAFR." I am very ignorant about a lot of things. I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. New World order-the vasty conspiracy that actually rules the world (jews, Rothschilds, Knights of Columbus, Masons--your choice of bad guys) are spraying us with chemicals from airplanes to keep us stupid...

    You have quoted a guanofrentic nutbar...
