Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Up Early This First Day Of September Thinking Of Biking 100 Miles While Hotter Than Hell

I am up early on the first day of September. It is a dark quarter moon Wednesday morning. We are looking out my bedroom window, at the darkness and the pool, in the picture.

The weather predictors are predicting it will be very cloudy today, with a chance of wet stuff falling on the first 3 days of September.

Yesterday morning I was quickly greeted by computer trauma. This morning, I am at least an hour into being on my computer, with very little trauma, so far. Knock on wood.

This morning I feel no sore after effect from pedaling my bike for 13.646 miles yesterday.

This morning I read Steve A's blog account of his 100 mile ride in the Wichita Falls Hotter 'n Hell bike ride. I can't imagine pedaling for 100 miles in pleasant temperatures, let alone 100 degrees or hotter.

I think I'll be in the pool as soon as the sun makes its expected arrival and stay in it an extra long time, due to yesterday's time being cut short due to my computer malfunction worries.

And then, mid-morning, it is off to points to the north. If I get on my bike today, it will be late in the afternoon. I see a trek to the Tandy Hills for some relaxing, salubrious hiking to be more likely than biking.

P.S. September is off to a start with a good omen. I clicked on the spell check and was told "No Misspellings Found." This happens about once a month. To have it happen on the first blog posting of the new month has to be a fortuitous sign of something.

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