Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Safely Back In My Abode After Surviving Yet One More Fort Worth Near Death Experience

You are looking at the 2 in the afternoon view from my patio, well after the sun has lit up the place.

I am waiting for lunch to launch from the oven.

I had a near death driving experience this afternoon, coming back from North Richland Hills.

When you go from Davis Boulevard to I-820 south, you have to move over a couple lanes in order to avoid heading to Fort Worth on 121, aka the Airport Freeway.

I'd moved over well before the freeway split. And then suddenly I saw a big semi-truck ahead of me was not moving. I slammed on the brakes, as did the car behind me. I came real close to hitting the truck and the car behind me came real close to hitting me.

Traffic was a dead standstill on 820. I was able to get back on to the lanes that become 121. A lot of people were doing that. Exiting 121, at Handley-Ederville, is an easy detour back to where I am right now.

As I drove south on Handley-Ederville I glanced over at the 820 freeway and saw emergency lights flashing near the bridge over the Trinity. That is a real scary stretch of road that loses a lane right before the bridge. I've seen a bad accident there more than once.

Anyway, this was my first scary driving incident in a long, long time. I don't remember what the previous one was, but this one was real close to becoming a real bad thing.

The buzzer just announced that lunch is ready to launch. So, I am in food mode now.

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